Ñeque: The Spirit Of A Resilient Mindset - Rosie Paulsen

Rosie Paulsen


Ñeque: The Spirit Of A Resilient Mindset - ROSIE PAULSEN

By Gary S. Hatrick

Thirty-three years ago in the Ecuadorian city of Quito, young Rosie Paulsen had a dream. She wanted to play sports. The problem was that at that time, sports were considered to be for boys.  “I used to play basketball,” Rosie said, “but I started to like playing soccer, but soccer was a no-no, it was an ‘only boys’ sport, so why would girls play soccer?”

Skill was not the problem, Rosie was good at soccer, it was the molds of society that made a wall, and not even a glass one, to keep girls from the playing field.

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  2004 Hits

Power Gals Founder - Karla Arita

Karla Arita

Power Gals Founder - Karla Arita

When I first met Karla, her warm smile brought out her beauty matching everything I had heard about her. Originally born in Honduras, she carries strong family ties and traditions from her Japanese heritage which have filtered into her life, her business and everyone she touches.

Her last name, Arita, comes from a small village in Japan. It was common for family names to be named after their village. She is quite proud of her heritage, and it shows as she talks about her family. She comes from 3 generations of chefs (which is why she is such a great cook!). Her great grandfather was a well-respected general in the Honduran army, a civil war hero that can be found in history books today.

Growing up in Honduras, provided a unique childhood experience for her. Her father was a renowned chef owning several restaurants. His clientele was from all over the world. In his early travels, he brought back many recipes from different cultures. Karla was lucky enough to grow up eating dishes that children in normal households would never experience. She was actually born inside one of her parents’ restaurants, so growing up immersed in and around hospitality was natural for her.  

Not only is food in her blood, but the interactions with people from all over the World. Her people skills, service and friendliness prepared her for who she is today, influencing her everyday life and endeavors. Life was not always so easy though. When her parents divorced, her mom made the brave decision  of starting a new life with her 4 children in America. Starting from scratch, with nothing, Karla watched her mom work long hours in a flower factory in Miami to provide for them. Her mom’s struggles are what sparked Karla to want to help other women later in her life. 

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Not Just A Survivor, But A Thriver In Life

Pretty Lovely You

Not Just A Survivor, But A Thriver In Life

Denise Peske is not just a survivor of Breast Implant Illness, but a thriver in life.

For over 13 years, Denise suffered from debilitating pain and unexplainable illnesses until she discovered the source was her breast implants. She had been so ill for many years that she decided her health was more important than her breast size. She didn’t think twice and had the implants removed on April 9, 2019. Her health has been improving ever since.

The catalyst of the problem was the lack of self-confidence and poor self-body image she carried. A reflection of what so many women experience. Her journey to wellness was that of learning lessons and helping others. She decided she needed to not just advocate about the health risks with implants, but help other girls and women with the same body image struggles she did. 

Denise received the Butterfly Award through ALPHA House of Pinellas based on her journey to health where they stated “In Denise we see the confidence, intent and intensity of a person who feels blessed to have a second chance – a person who sees their second chance as a path and mandate to make the world better.” 

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The Immune 8 Blend

Margie Vance, Founder

The Immune 8 Blend - Margie Vance, Founder

Immune 8 is made from eight 100% therapeutic grade oils. Immune 8 blend boosts the immune system which is affected by stress and organisms in the environment. The blend also defends against germs including bacteria and viruses. The US Patent Office has approved this blend as an air purifier. The safety data on each oil state; non-toxic, non-irritant, and non-sensitizing.  The essential oils are blended at 2% adult strength in the carrier of organic soap or organic lotion.

  • Lemon – antimicrobial, antiseptic, antitoxic, astringent, bactericidal, hemostatic, insecticidal, stimulates white corpuscles, but phototoxic do not use directly on skin in sunlight. (Top Note)
  • Lemongrass – stress-related conditions, analgesic, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, fungicidal, and nervine. (Top Note)
  • Tea Tree – anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bactericidal, fungicidal, immune-stimulant, and parasiticide. (Middle/Top Note)
  • Lavender – stress-related conditions, analgesic, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antitoxic, nervine, parasiticide, deodorant, and insecticide. (Top Note)
  • Rosewood – stress-related conditions, stimulates the immune system, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, bactericidal, cellular stimulant, and tissue regeneration (https://www.msn.com/en-us/feed Middle/Base Note)
  • White Camphor – anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, and bactericidal. (Middle Note)
  • Cinnamon Leaf – stress-related conditions, antimicrobial, antiseptic, parasiticide, and vermifuge. (Middle /Base Note)
  • Patchouli – stress-related complaints, covers offensive odors, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antitoxic, antiviral, bactericidal, and fungicidal (Base Note)


Immune 8 Products and Uses

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  1889 Hits

Throwing the Book and a Hook at Breast Cancer

Throwing the Book and a Hook at Breast Cancer

Life is full of surprises

By Gary S. Hatrick

Paula S. O'Neil, 63, has been a public servant for nearly four decades.

The St. Louis native came to Pasco County in 1987 with seven years of public service already under her belt. Her retirement in 2019 after three terms as Pasco County Clerk and Comptroller was the culmination of 39 years of such service known for honesty, hard work and community involvement.

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African Continental Finalist 2021-Karen Benedette Sequeira

Karen Benedette Sequeira

African Continental Finalist 2021

The Africa pageant was started in the year 2001 by Carolyn Baldwin-Botha, CEO of Pageants SA and who is known as the Mother of Pageantry in South Africa. Carolyn has produced literally thousands of titleholders nationally and international winners over the past 19 years, including Miss Africa which started in 2001 and Mrs Africa which began in the year 2006, with charity work being the golden thread that links this dynamic pageant system together.

With the years, came new opportunities, dynamics and most of all a movement to give dignity back to people in Africa. “Think about what you will say to someone if you can’t even give them hope.” The truth behind these words came with meeting extraordinary women in horrific circumstances, and we learnt that you can give someone at least their dignity back under any circumstances and we vowed to use the powerful platform of the Africa Pageants to make a significant change on the African Continent.

Carolyn expanded the Africa Pageant Brand for the first time into Africa in 2016, thus making it the first of its kind on the African Continent. With the passion and vision to make a significant and sustainable difference in Africa, the Africa Pageants Brand has grown tremendously over the last 3 years.

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Writing & Storytelling

By Tara Richter

The floor is covered with crayons, construction paper and ribbons. Her hands are sticky with rubber paste as she stacks the thick papers together. She punches holes in the left-hand side, then threads the ribbon through all the pages and ties a knot to secure them together. A big grin creeps across her face as she flips through the pages admiring the drawings and reading the story. It’s 1982 and Tara just created her first book at 5 years old. 


Writing and storytelling has always been her passion. She went on to take as many English classes as she could. She wrote endless stories throughout high school and college, while fostering passions for both computers and the arts. Ms. Richter received a degree in Electronic Imaging and Graphic Design in 1998. 


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Foster Care - A Looming Crisis

Dr. Pina Panchal, MD, & Dr. Linette Rivera, MD

Bella Mia Medical Aesthetics and Laser Institute


By Jen Wead

Our January Empowered Woman column features two medical doctors, aestheticians, and entrepreneurs that are changing the way their clients view aging.  Dr. Pina Panchal, MD and Dr. Linette Rivera, MD joined forces to open the type of business that they wanted to frequent themselves. Their partnership, and Bella Mia Medical Aesthetics and Laser Institute began three years ago in South Tampa, when as medical doctors who worked together, they knew they shared a common goal: to open their own practice. Together, they began their research and ended up attending a conference on aesthetics, falling in love with the field.

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01 August 2020
Karen Benedette Sequeira African Continental Finalist 2021 The Africa pageant was started in the year 2001 by Carolyn Baldwin-Botha, CEO of Pageants SA and who is known as the Mother of Pageantry in S...