"Paint with Beautiful Color!" "Inspired by Love, Joy, Peace & Serenity!" - Natalia Londono

Art by Natalia Londono

Natalia Londono

"Paint with Beautiful Color!" "Inspired by Love, Joy, Peace & Serenity!"

It's my story on how I found my purpose in life to help others find their God-given talent.

Columbian born Natalia Londono has a love of bright, vibrant, happy color. Natalia was born and raised surrounded by the love of Family. First- her Father was her Hero. Natalia came to this country in 2015 and focused on raising her children with the loving assistance and support of her Father. She never experimented in the arts. She had no formal training. Being a full time, single parent she had no time nor interest. When her Father passed away of colon cancer Thanksgiving 2017, she was devastated. Her grief consumed her. Early in her grief, she had a dream - she was taken to her Father's transcended Reality. His Paradise. He walked with her through a beautiful countryside. He waved his arm around a rock covered hill and told her to Paint. "Paint with beautiful color!", he instructed. The dream was so real, that she felt his complete presence. She woke and knew what she must do. She told her family "I must Paint!" 

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  1925 Hits

Ñeque: The Spirit Of A Resilient Mindset - Rosie Paulsen

Rosie Paulsen


Ñeque: The Spirit Of A Resilient Mindset - ROSIE PAULSEN

By Gary S. Hatrick

Thirty-three years ago in the Ecuadorian city of Quito, young Rosie Paulsen had a dream. She wanted to play sports. The problem was that at that time, sports were considered to be for boys.  “I used to play basketball,” Rosie said, “but I started to like playing soccer, but soccer was a no-no, it was an ‘only boys’ sport, so why would girls play soccer?”

Skill was not the problem, Rosie was good at soccer, it was the molds of society that made a wall, and not even a glass one, to keep girls from the playing field.

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  2004 Hits

Power Gals Founder - Karla Arita

Karla Arita

Power Gals Founder - Karla Arita

When I first met Karla, her warm smile brought out her beauty matching everything I had heard about her. Originally born in Honduras, she carries strong family ties and traditions from her Japanese heritage which have filtered into her life, her business and everyone she touches.

Her last name, Arita, comes from a small village in Japan. It was common for family names to be named after their village. She is quite proud of her heritage, and it shows as she talks about her family. She comes from 3 generations of chefs (which is why she is such a great cook!). Her great grandfather was a well-respected general in the Honduran army, a civil war hero that can be found in history books today.

Growing up in Honduras, provided a unique childhood experience for her. Her father was a renowned chef owning several restaurants. His clientele was from all over the world. In his early travels, he brought back many recipes from different cultures. Karla was lucky enough to grow up eating dishes that children in normal households would never experience. She was actually born inside one of her parents’ restaurants, so growing up immersed in and around hospitality was natural for her.  

Not only is food in her blood, but the interactions with people from all over the World. Her people skills, service and friendliness prepared her for who she is today, influencing her everyday life and endeavors. Life was not always so easy though. When her parents divorced, her mom made the brave decision  of starting a new life with her 4 children in America. Starting from scratch, with nothing, Karla watched her mom work long hours in a flower factory in Miami to provide for them. Her mom’s struggles are what sparked Karla to want to help other women later in her life. 

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Serendipity, Shattered Glass and a New Found Passion

Lisa Langford discovered her passion by way of an accidental shattering of glass. Teaching in the nursing field for years, she found herself disabled after a surgery and a stay at home mom with 2 boys. So how did shattered glass launch her new career? While remodeling a bathroom, she was reaching for a drill and accidentally shattered some glass shelves that landed onto an old antique window frame. The frame was intact, and the broken glass looked pretty laying on it. Being creative, she placed her mermaid plaque from her bathroom onto frame among the glass pieces and was surprised as to how attractive it looked. Lisa began her research on how to work with resin art and various techniques and came with up something quite unique and beautiful. Friends and family began to ask her to make something for their homes, gifts, etc., and the seed was planted. Could she turn this talent into a full fledge business and open a store? With her new passion brewing, she bought more windows from a salvager and began to make more decorative frames using sand, glue, glass and a variety of trinkets and sea shells. During the 2018 Chasco Fiesta, she sold 54 pieces at her friends business downtown in “just two weekends,” she states. Obviously, the next step was to open a shop. Her husband, Paul saw a “For Rent” sign in the old Boulevard Building, next to the Gateway Gallery and Emporium. They signed the lease and “that was it.” There was no turning back now. As renovations were underway, people were stopping by. Word on the street spread of the opening and some local artists began to show interest in what she was planning. “We wanted to give local artists an avenue to get exposure and sell their art,” and had no problem finding artists to sign up to be vendors inside her store. To make her story even more interesting or serendipitous, Lisa and her husband were on their way to an estate sale in search of display furniture. Along the road they saw 2 women selling artwork and repurposed furniture in their driveway. They bought all the furniture for the store. The two artists were curious and excited about her reason for the purchase and became vendors that day, and remain vendors to date! The story continues! They opened during the 2019 Chasco Fiesta parade, and made over $1000 on opening day! 3 months later, she had more vendors and found she needed more space! When it became available, she expanded, going from 800 sq. ft. to 1600 sq. ft., then, 3 months later the upstairs became available, (2700 sq ft). She decided to take advantage of the ballroom space to use for workshops, events, teaching classes and more. Her store now has 45 vendors. The wide variety of inventory ranges from paintings, soaps, hand and body creams, jewelry, funky sunglasses, shabby chic furniture, greeting cards, hand-made children’s clothing and more. An eclectic collection from like-minded artists! Lisa says “It was very serendipitous,” for all things to happen and to end up where she is now. One thing after another just seemed to fall into place. And staying true to her gratefulness for success and giving back to others, she gives away monthly donations of window hangings to various organizations. So it has all come together for Lisa and her husband Paul. A second chapter in her life and a new found passion. You can find Lis’s Pieces Artisan Boutique at 6214 Grand Blvd, Port Richey, FL 34652. 727.364.0841. www.lisspieces.com.

  1744 Hits

Caring for the Family Car


Caring for the Family Car

By Jet Hall


When I met with Marty LaBarbera, owner of Christian Brothers Automotive, I was a little apprehensive talking to an auto repair shop. Based on my own experience, as of many others I’m sure, I have always felt intimidated about repairs on my vehicle. Mostly because all I know is how to put the key in the ignition and turn and start the car. Other than paying attention to the red maintenance light that pops on and gives me “stress” that the car is ready to die, that’s about it. No, I don’t know how to change the oil, change a tire, etc. I always felt that it was the “man’s” job to take care of the car. Well, things have changed. The stone-age is gone, independence has taken over. Although I do know how to check my oil and fluids, my knowledge of cars stops there.

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Challenges of Going Remote with Your Business

Challenges of Going Remote with Your Business

The internet has made it possible for businesses in
various industries to go remote, but such a
transition does have some unique challenges.


The number of professionals working remotely has risen dramatically over the last decade-plus. According to an analysis from Flexjobs and Global Workplace Analytics, there was a 159 percent increase in remote between 2005 and 2017.

That shift toward remote work might have been silent and gradual for much of the 21st century, but the volume was ramped up during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in the United States in March 2020. In an effort to slow the spread of the potentially dangerous virus, government officials urged businesses to allow their employees to work remotely, and just like that the number of remote workers skyrocketed.

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