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Not Just A Survivor, But A Thriver In Life
Not Just A Survivor, But A Thriver In Life
Denise Peske is not just a survivor of Breast Implant Illness, but a thriver in life.
For over 13 years, Denise suffered from debilitating pain and unexplainable illnesses until she discovered the source was her breast implants. She had been so ill for many years that she decided her health was more important than her breast size. She didn’t think twice and had the implants removed on April 9, 2019. Her health has been improving ever since.
The catalyst of the problem was the lack of self-confidence and poor self-body image she carried. A reflection of what so many women experience. Her journey to wellness was that of learning lessons and helping others. She decided she needed to not just advocate about the health risks with implants, but help other girls and women with the same body image struggles she did.
Denise received the Butterfly Award through ALPHA House of Pinellas based on her journey to health where they stated “In Denise we see the confidence, intent and intensity of a person who feels blessed to have a second chance – a person who sees their second chance as a path and mandate to make the world better.”
As a Breast Implant Illness survivor, Denise went from a tiny A cup or less prior to implants, to a C then D cup with implants, and back to a tiny A or less again after she had them removed. “When I went out shopping for a bra after explanting, I cried. I heard over and over: ‘We don’t have your size dear’; unless it was one or two in beige, black and white basics. Instead of feeling I wasn’t worthy of a pretty bra, I decided it was time for a change!”
That is how Pretty Lovely You was born. Denise created an intimates company that caters to the ladies with the Itty Bitty size breasts, since she herself is an A cup again. “We are women who deserve all the beauty, colors, fabrics and designs. We love our bodies just as they are. It is time to shine!”
Pretty Lovely You focuses on the A cup for now, but will expand into other sizes and needs with all the prettiness women deserve!
In addition, Denise just launched a confidence coaching program for woman called Confidently You. She also has a Facebook group called Confidently You After BII. Denise speaks at events and as a guest on social media platforms. Her belief: “learning to genuinely love who you are is the key to happiness.”
Follow Denise on facebook or visit her website or IG.
Instagram - @prettylovelyyou
Confidently You after BII Facebook group -