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Power Gals Founder - Karla Arita
Power Gals Founder - Karla Arita
When I first met Karla, her warm smile brought out her beauty matching everything I had heard about her. Originally born in Honduras, she carries strong family ties and traditions from her Japanese heritage which have filtered into her life, her business and everyone she touches.
Her last name, Arita, comes from a small village in Japan. It was common for family names to be named after their village. She is quite proud of her heritage, and it shows as she talks about her family. She comes from 3 generations of chefs (which is why she is such a great cook!). Her great grandfather was a well-respected general in the Honduran army, a civil war hero that can be found in history books today.
Growing up in Honduras, provided a unique childhood experience for her. Her father was a renowned chef owning several restaurants. His clientele was from all over the world. In his early travels, he brought back many recipes from different cultures. Karla was lucky enough to grow up eating dishes that children in normal households would never experience. She was actually born inside one of her parents’ restaurants, so growing up immersed in and around hospitality was natural for her.
Not only is food in her blood, but the interactions with people from all over the World. Her people skills, service and friendliness prepared her for who she is today, influencing her everyday life and endeavors. Life was not always so easy though. When her parents divorced, her mom made the brave decision of starting a new life with her 4 children in America. Starting from scratch, with nothing, Karla watched her mom work long hours in a flower factory in Miami to provide for them. Her mom’s struggles are what sparked Karla to want to help other women later in her life.
Experiences mold us all. She has been up and down. But as her grandfather engrained in her, “Always be a hard worker. Whatever you do in life, always be the best you can be. It is who you are.” She carries that reminder in her heart and in her personal and business life.
Karla is happily married for over 23 years to her husband Marcos, and has two children, Esmeralda and Marcos Gabriel. After getting laid off from what she then thought was a solid job, Karla spent months looking for a new path. Her husband suggested she try real estate. A bit unsure of herself, she gave it a try and followed her husband’s advice. Using her people skills, she “jumped in, and hit the ground running,” she says. And true to form, she quickly became successful because of her upbringing to “be the best at what you do.”
It is not just doing and being the best that drives Karla, it is her sincere love for people and the urge to help others. This is really what influences and defines her.
After quickly becoming very a successful woman in real estate, women started reaching out to her for advice. Karla realized that there was a need in her community for women to connect and learn from each other. This was the birth of Power Gals LLC. The first meeting began with 10 women, the second meeting, over 20! Karla noticed that other women needed to be supported, uplifted, and to network with each other. Power Gals is not the usual business networking that so many were used to. This marked the beginning of Power Gals Networking. A place where women can have “Lunch with a Purpose”, she says. “I call it, FunWorking, not networking,” she adds. When you meet Karla for the first time, you are captivated by her charisma and warmth. It is a feeling of friendship and acceptance. No politics, no drama, just a pure connection.
The Power Gals Networking organization was not planned, it slowly evolved into the power house it is today, from beginning with the first meeting in January 2018 to having over 12 branches (also known as Chapters), in 3 years, that meet in various cities throughout Florida. Power Gals is more than just networking, as Karla has incorporated educational seminars, workshops and social events, where members see each other in a different light. And above all else, it’s a true sisterhood of women from all walks of life. “It comes from a good place,” Karla explained. From her heart, where she can truly help other women succeed and find their purpose. To promote, learn, support each other and make new friendships along the way. “Power Gals is about the women in our network, real women making real connections,” she states.
For more information visit: www.powergalsnetworking.com